
Do we do what we do in order to satisfy ourselves or the expectations of other people ? A good friend recently questioned why I live in the building where I live when I could live somewhere much "better" and representative of his perception of me. This made me question why I make the choices... Continue Reading →


Why do we take photos ? Officially it is to store a memory so as not to forget a beautiful scene. Many photographers photograph things that they are afraid of losing and hence confront their own fears of loss of youth and beauty or wealth. Some people photograph for egotistical reasons to show that "they... Continue Reading →


As I get older and hopefully wiser, I pay more attention to what might be called spirituality. This blog has provoked quite a lot of discussion with my friends and here I try to summarise changes that I have noticed in myself in the form of a list. I am not claiming to be good... Continue Reading →

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