Boxing Match

It all starts in the kitchen with Mom: A good meal is essential and plenty of sleep during the day since the match takes place during the night when the weather is finally cool enough: The match begins with a ceremony called "Wai Kru" which pays respect to the trainer and spirits. I was honoured... Continue Reading →

Boxing School

I spent some time paying regular visits to a Muaythai boxing camp on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand. It was funded by donations and winnings from boxing matches. Training was tough but it kept the guys busy and fit: Time was needed to recuperate: One exercise involved dragging a lorry tyre through the streets !:... Continue Reading →

Boxing Camp

Also known as boxing school or boxing gym (ค่ายมวย) is where the ancient art of Muaythai boxing (มวยไทย) is learnt. I am always on the lookout for old-style outdoor boxing schools such as the one in the photo, so please let me know if you know of one.

Sak Yant Tattoos

I always like to photograph these Thai Sak Yant tattoos. The designs are very auspicious and allegedly possess magical powers which can protect the wearer or make them more attractive or fortunate. Please get in touch if you know someone who would like me to photograph their tattoos.  

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